

At Energy Advisors we can determine whether or not you could save up to 35%, with an alternative rate offered by Dominion Virginia Power since 1986, coupled with the use of the Energy Sentry Technology.

What is an Energy Sentry Demand Controller and how does it help me save money?2020-09-26T21:44:52+00:00

The Energy Sentry works by smoothing out electricity loads on the 220-volt lines. This happens within a home during peak demand periods, essentially regulating the usage like cruise control on a car.

This can be overridden by the homeowner at any point. What we do is wire into the panel box. And once we install this equipment, we have Dominion Virginia Power change the meter on the outside of the house. Giving the homeowner a different rate.

These rates can be more favorable for homeowners who average $150.00 or more monthly. It’s possible to save 20-35% on your power bill by using the Energy Sentry Technology along with an alternative rate that has been available since 1986. It is easily installed in new or existing homes, can transfer to new homebuyers, or be removed and reinstalled in a new home.

Why Should I Buy an Energy Demand Management System?2020-09-27T17:56:28+00:00

The most beneficial reason for using an Energy Demand Controller from Energy Advisors is to save money on your electric bills.

Another benefit to using an Energy Demand Controller is that by consuming energy more efficiently you are helping the environment.

There are peak periods during the day where the utility must supply the maximum amount of power needed in their territory. In order to meet this need, the utility must either bring on additional peaking generation or buy expensive peaking power. The more people that use an Energy Advisors demand controller, the smaller the peak periods, thus fewer power plants are needed and the more efficiently the utility operates.

Using an Energy Demand Controller from Energy Advisors allows you to pay less for the same amount of electricity year-round.

Am I a Good Candidate for an Energy Demand?

The customers that can benefit the most from an Energy Demand Controller from Energy Advisors are those who use electricity sporadically, meaning there are only a few periods of intensive energy use daily.

Not only medium to large residential homes, but Churches and Beach Rental properties are great candidates because they have very identifiable peak usage periods that can be leveled out with an Energy Demand.

Contact your utility company to find out what rate you are on and if you can drop to a lower rate or save a substantial amount of money on your electric bill by managing your demand. Or Call Energy Advisors today and we can help you lower your electric bill! 757-412-2910

How Does Energy Peak Demand Occur?2020-10-01T20:09:38+00:00

“What is Demand” and how are you billed for it. To recap, most commercial customers and some residential customers (depending on the utility) are billed a “Demand Charge”. The Demand Charge is the amount you pay, per kW, during the billing month for the “Peak Demand.”

The Peak Demand is the highest kWh usage in any demand interval (usually 15 minutes) during the billing month. It determines not only your Demand Charge but may also determine what rate you’re placed on by the utility.

The utility’s meter records and averages your kWh use for each of those 15-minute intervals and the interval with the highest 15-minute usage, in that billing period, sets your peak demand for that month.

Key Points:

  • The initial spike in energy use caused by turning on a machine (LRA) lasts for a very brief period, typically a few seconds. Energy use then drops to the static load size (RLA).
  • The turn-on spike has very little effect on the total amount of energy use calculated in the 15-minute interval because it occurs for such a brief period of time.
  • Peak Demand is determined by the highest kWh usage in any 15-minute demand interval within a billing month.
  • The real “Peak Demand” is a result of having a 15-minute interval where there were coincidental maximum number of loads operating simultaneously. (“Too many loads on together for too long”)
  • There are approximately 3,000 15-minute intervals in a typical billing period, in other words 3,000 opportunities to set your Peak Demand. (Most utilities use 15-minute intervals, some use 30 or 60-minute intervals.)
  • When studying Peak Demand it is essential to take into consideration all the electric loads in operation and when they are operating.

Call Energy Advisors today if you’d like to know more about Peak Demand and how to save energy on your electric bill. You don’t have anything to lose! 757-412-2910.

What Does the Energy Demand Controller Control?2020-12-16T19:00:36+00:00

Controllable Electric Loads
What are they? Non-essential electric loads that are deferred for a brief period of time with little or no effect on comfort, convenience, or interruption of a process.

Loads such as lighting, computers and other plug loads are not managed by the Energy Sentry and will not be effected.

There are several combinations of load control strategy to be applied, but the majority are programmed for the least important loads to be shed first and restored last. And the highest priority loads to be shed last and restored first.

The key to success with demand control and the Energy Sentry is the principal of thermal storage. When the electric load is turned off for small amounts of time with very little reduction in stored energy, then it’s a great candidate for demand control!


Residential Electric Loads

  • Water Heater
  • Air Conditioners
  • Baseboard Heating
  • Ceiling Radiant Heat
  • Electric Furnace
  • Clothes Dryer
  • Hot Tub

Commercial Electric Loads

  • Air Conditioners
  • Electric Heat
  • Water Heaters
  • Refrigeration- Large cooler and freezer cases
  • Induction furnaces
  • Air Compressors
  • Rinse Tanks

Want to know about lowering your residential or commercial electric bill? Contact the Virginia Beach, Currituck County experts at Energy Advisors today 757-412-2910

How Does Energy Demand Control Help the Environment?2020-10-01T19:39:32+00:00

Helping the Environment

Demand control with an Energy Sentry is both a financial and environmental investment. Not only will you save 10-40% each month on your electric bills – you’ll also be helping the environment by increasing your energy efficiency! The great thing about demand control is that you still use the same amount of energy but PAY LESS because you are using it more efficiently. So how exactly does it help the environment if you are still using the same amount? Read on to learn more…

Stabilizing Your Energy Use

Everyone agrees that getting better gas mileage in their car is a good thing. The same is true with demand. You’re using the same amount of electricity, but you’re doing it more efficiently. Instead of undergoing the peaks and valleys of unstable electric use, the Energy Sentry keeps your use at steady levels, allowing for a more efficient building. This efficiency not only saves you money, it helps the environment too. By stabilizing your electric use, you help stabilize the utility’s electric use. This has a huge impact on local and global ecosystems.

By using an Energy demand management system, you are able to level off the peaks and fill in the valleys, thus using your energy more efficiently. An Energy Sentry acts in a similar manner to the cruise control on your vehicle. You have a set speed (rate of usage) of energy you want to use. The Energy Sentry controls certain loads, to keep the average rate of use below your set limit. An example of loads that would be controlled are your heating or air conditioning units.

Stabilizing the Electric Company’s Energy Use

Electric companies and utilities are required to supply power to everyone within their region – for the greatest amount needed (peak) at any given time. This means that if every customer in their territory (residential and commercial) is simultaneously using the maximum amount of energy possible, the utility must have the capacity to provide for that entire amount at any point during the day (even off -peak periods). As a result, electric supply companies are having to build additional power plants or buy expensive “Peaking Power” to support our expanding population, which increases the use of electrical equipment. This also explains why utilities sometimes charge higher prices for electric use at certain times of the day. They are trying to reduce their peak by encouraging customers to use less electricity during these “expensive” peak time periods.

As more people in your community install an Energy Sentry, your region’s demand for electricity declines. Therefore, your electric company will be able to reduce its fuel consumption by operating at a more efficient level. By lowering your peak demand, you’re helping reduce the utility’s peak demand.

The OUTCOME of increasing your Efficiency?

REDUCING the need to build additional Power Plants in your area!

Pollution Decreases, Air Quality Improves, and our Earth’s resources are conserved!

Call Energy Advisors today and do your part in saving the environment! 757-412-2910

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